Intro to Version Control with

Git & GitHub

Girl Develop It | Summer 2018

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Girl Develop It exists to provide affordable and judgment-free opportunities for women interested in learning web and software development.

Ground Rules

  • This is your time!
  • Every question is important
  • Don't get blocked
  • Help each other
  • Have fun

Our Team

Thank you to our wonderful TAs!

  • Marissa
  • Gail
  • Natalia




Course materials:

About You

  • Who are you?
  • What do you hope to get out of the class?
  • If you could have any superpower, what would it be?


We'll be using the following tools in class today:

What we'll cover today

  1. Version control concepts & Git workflow
  2. Setting up a new repository
  3. Basic git commands: adding, committing & pushing change)
  4. Setting up a remote repository, branching & merging
  5. Remote collaboration
  6. Debugging and resolving merge conflicts

1. Version control concepts & Git workflow

Group project woes

Ever worked on a group paper and ended up with something like this?

A little better

Version history in Google Docs

What is Version Control?

Software that allows you (and your team) to do two powerful things:

Collaborate: Create anything with other people, from academic papers to entire websites and applications.

Track and revert changes: Ability to see who specifically made what changes and when. Be able to go back to a "snapshot in time" to fix something that went wrong.

Version Control Types

  • 1990s: CVS (Concurrent Version Systems)
  • 2000s: SVN (Apache Subversion)
  • 2005: Git

Centralized Version Control (CVS, SVN)

There is one central server and each client (person) checks out and commits changes to it

Distributed Version Control (Git, Mercurial)

Each client (person) has a local copy of the code, which they can then reconcile with the main server.

What is Git?


Git: Free, open source version control system

  • Distributed version control system, most widely used
  • Command line application
  • Runs on your local machine

What is GitHub?


GitHub: web-based service that interacts with Git and allows you to host and share your code for free. You can:

  • Collaborate with others on projects
  • Share/showcase your code
  • Find code that you can use in your own projects

Git Terminology

  • Repository ("Repo"): a project folder in which Git is tracking changes to files
  • Working Directory: the current local copy of a Git repository you are working on (on your computer)
  • Index: staging area - list of changes not yet committed
  • Head: list of committed changes
  • Remote Repository: a copy of a Git repository that is stored in the cloud (in our case, GitHub)

Git workflow

Git workflow

  1. Create a new folder for your project &
    git init
    to make it a Git repo (or
    git clone
    an existing repo)
  2. Work on your project
  3. git add
    changes to the Index (staging area) as you work
  4. git commit
    changes to the Head ("official" list of changes)
  5. git push
    changes to your remote repository

2. Setting up a new repository

Fire up your command shell

  • Mac OS/Linux: search in Finder for Terminal
  • Windows: in the Start menu or screen, search for Babun or Cygwin


Check that Git is installed


git --version

Configure Git

In order to record changes in your commit history, Git needs to know a little about you.

Add your Github Username

git config --global "YOUR NAME"


And the email attached to your GitHub account

git config --global "YOUR EMAIL"

Creating a new repository

1. Create new folder

mkdir my-repo

2. Switch into that folder

cd my-repo

3. Initialize the folder as a Git repo

git init

What happened?

Let's check it out!

ls -al

Hey, there's a new (hidden) folder:

your-name staff 128 Jun 19 00:23 . 
your-name staff 672 Jun 19 00:39 .. 
your-name staff 384 Jun 19 01:04 .git

Let's see what's inside

ls -al .git

We can also look at this Finder, but you'll only see .git if hidden files are set to visible

Making changes

Create a new file


Every repository should have a README file!

3. Basic git commands: adding, committing & pushing changes

Making changes

git status
: Check to see what changes Git has noticed

git status

Making changes

git add
: Adds files to the Index (staging area for your next commit)


Add all changed files

git add -A

Or to add a single file

git add

Making changes

git add
-ed something you didn't intend to?

git reset
removes those file changes from the Index


Remove all files (from the Index)

git reset

Remove a single file (from the Index)

git reset

Making changes

git commit
: Commits your changes to the Head

  • A commit marks a "snapshot" in your project that you can refer/revert back to
  • Every commit requires a "commit message" - a note about the purpose of the change


git commit -m "Update README file"

Making changes

git log
: Shows list of commits


git log
commit 0ac0ce458f65958fd6 (HEAD -> master) 
Author: Shayna Cummings
Date: Tue Jun 19 01:14:20 2018 -0400 Add README file


  1. Add some text to your file (using TextEdit, Notepad, or another text editor) and save
  2. Check to see what changes Git noticed
  3. Add and commit the changes
  4. Check your commit history

Reverting changes

git reset [commit]
: undoes all commits after [commit] (but keeps all commits in log history)

git reset 579e546a022fe0e1297d80ebefa4c


option discards log history

git reset --hard 579e546a022fe0e1297d80ebefa4c


  1. Find the commit hash for your first commit
  2. Revert back to that first commit

Ignoring files

In every repo, there are likely some files that you don't want Git to track, including:

  • System-generated files (ex: logs)
  • Files with sensitive info (ex: passwords)


You can tell Git to ignore any changes to these files by listing them in a .gitignore file. Templates for many languages are available at

Ignoring files

Create a .gitignore file inside your repo

cd my-repo
vim .gitignore

Add paths for files you want Git to ignore



  1. Create a .gitignore file inside your repo that ignores .DS_Store files
  2. Add and commit your changes

4. Setting up a remote repository, branching & merging

Remote Repositories

Why use a remote repository?

  • Back up your code
  • Showcase your work
  • Share/collaborate with others

Create a new GitHub repository

  1. Sign into GitHub:
  2. Click + in the upper right and choose "New Repository"
  3. Fill out the form and click Create Repository (see example on next slide)

Connect your local repo to your GitHub repo

Find the URL for your new GitHub repo

Connect your local repo to your GitHub repo

git remote add origin


Verify that the remote repo was added

git remote -v

Push code to GitHub

git push [remote name] [branch name]

push most recent commit to remote repo


git push -u origin master


  1. Add some text to your README.txt file and save
  2. Add and commit the change
  3. Push the change to GitHub

Playing nicely with others

Git & GitHub allow users to work collaboratively on the same project through:

  • Branching: Developing features in isolated copies of a repo
  • Merging: Incoporating branches into the master

Creating local branches

See what branch you're currently on

git branch


git checkout -b [branchname]
: creates new branch

git checkout -b add-widgets

Use a descriptive branch name, so you'll remember what you did on it.

Creating remote branches

git push [remote] [branchname]
Creates a remote copy of your new local branch and pushes changes to the remote branch

git push origin add-widgets


  1. In your repo, create a new local branch named [first name][last initial], for example: shaynac
  2. Create a new text file inside the repo named [first name][last initial].txt, for example: shaynac.txt
  3. Commit your change
  4. Push your branch to the remote repository

5. Remote collaboration

Branching workflow

Clone a remote repository

git clone [URL]

Make a copy of an existing repository on your local computer

git clone

Or fork a repository to suggest changes

Click the 'Fork' button to make a copy of someone else's repo on your own Github account, and then use 'git clone' to clone your copy to your local computer

git clone [URL]
git clone


Pull requests

Pull requests (PRs) send a message to the owner(s) of the repo asking to merge your branch with your changes into the master branch

  • PRs are specific to GitHub (not part of Git) - sometimes referred to as 'diffs' in other systems
  • PRs can only be made via the GitHub UI

Create a pull request

Switch to your branch and click 'new pull request'

Comparing branches on Github

You can open a PR from your branch -> master within one repository


from your branch in a forked version of a repo -> the original repository

Merge a pull request

If there are no conflicts, a pull request can be merged with one click

Depending on the repo settings, you may be able to merge your own pull requests... this is not always a good idea

Syncing local & remote repos

After pull requests are merged, it's important you sync up your local repo!

git pull [remote]
Gets the updates ("pull down changes") from the remote version of the current branch and merges them with your local copy

git checkout master
git pull origin


  1. Make a pull request
  2. Wait for all class pull requests to be merged
  3. Sync your local master with the remote master

6. Debugging and resolving merge conflicts

Merge conflicts

Merge conflicts occur when changes in your branch conflict with changes made to the remote master.

This can happen when:

  • You're working on the same file as another user, and their changes get merged first
  • You haven't synced your local master with the remote master in a while

Resolve a merge conflict

1. Sync your local master with the remote master

git checkout master
git pull

2. Attempt to merge your local master into your local working branch (Git will tell you there's a conflict)

git checkout problem-branch
git merge master

Resolve a merge conflict

3. Edit the problem file(s) in your local branch to remove the conflict(s) with the master branch. Git will mark conflicts in your files using <<< and >>>

    <<<<<< HEAD
    Here's the line in your branch
    Here's the same line in the master
    >>>>>> master

Resolve a merge conflict

4. Commit your changes

git add [files]
git commit -m "resolve merge conflict"

5. Push your changes to the remote branch

git push origin problem-branch

No need to open a new Pull Request - your pushed changes will automatically be reflected in the current Pull Request




